Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Greetings to all who visit here and welcome to Notes of Ice and Fire.  This is a blog dedicated first and foremost to George R. R. Martin's acclaimed series A Song of Ice and Fire, and also, at times, to HBO's Game of Thrones.  In the posts to come, I will discuss myriad topics from the books, from in depth character examinations to theory discussion or even chapter recaps, if that is something that seems desired.

A note about SPOILERS: I am writing this from the perspective of someone who has read the books multiple times over and, perhaps unfortunately, cannot write truly as one of the Unsullied, though I can try.  Please feel free to read but understand you may tread upon spoilers.  I will do my level best to note in each post if there are spoilers, but know that you read at your own risk.  I will also say that Martin does an exquisite job of using our expectations and preconceived notions about how things should go in a story and flipping them on their ears, which makes spoilers all the more painful, because it inhibits your ability to get swept away as much as you would have otherwise.

All that having been said, I want to say thank you for visiting and here's to the exploration of an adventure many of us have been enjoying and some have yet to experience and to the joy of reveling in the story that has twisted our hearts and stomachs in knots and kept us on the edge of our seats and will continue to do so until the cold winds rise and winter does, indeed, come at last. 

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